My service is driven by my faith. My faith in God, my family, my neighbors, and the people I serve in District 8. I also have faith in the fact that we are all GR8. No matter where you come from or where you live, we are a hardworking people who see through the fog of politics and we work together to solve the problems that affect us at our front porches and at the local level.
The homefront is the strongfront for the people in District 8 and I have fully served in a capacity that has strengthened that during the past eight years. From education to public safety, we have become the destination for many families across the county and across the country.
It’s our values that set us a part from the rest and maintaining our families and everything that supports them is Job #1.
I have worked hard during my term of service to make sure everyone in District 8 is provided the best possible livelihood that county government can provide. From taking action to keep tax rates stable to being at the forefront of the planning for extended resources for our Fire & Rescue, Ambulance, and Sheriff’s Department teams, I am here to assure that you and your family’s livelihood is a top priority for me.
We will continue to grow together and we will grow stronger as ONE!